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Hospital Amenities

Hotels and Lodging
If you are planning to travel to The University of Kansas Health System for your care, our complimentary concierge services are here to help you and your family plan your trip. No matter the distance you're traveling to reach us, this service is available weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Central time.
Call Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 844-323-1227, option 4.
Friendship Inn (0.3 mile away, 1.5 blocks south of the main hospital)
4146 State Line Road, Kansas City, KS 66103
This home away from home offers temporary lodging, free Wi-Fi, laundry and kitchen facilities. For more details or to make reservations, call the Friendship Inn.
Bear Paws (0.7 mile away, one-level lodging)
2501 W. 43rd Ave., Kansas City, KS 66103
Contact Kit and Claudette Patterson.
913-722-9725 (business line)
913-515-0522 or 913-515-0834
Guests are welcome to use kitchen facilities, free Wi-Fi and bring their own food. Accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards.
Ronald McDonald Houses (3.6 miles away)
2501 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64108
913-588-2160 for referral information
816-842-8321 for facility information
This facility provides temporary lodging and a supportive environment for families of children age 18 or younger who live more than 50 miles from the health system's main campus.
For a list of area hotels, call 913-588-5000.