Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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About Turning Point
Happy couple hugging.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you first discover Turning Point, you probably have a lot of questions. So we've provided some answer to questions we're frequently asked.

Please call us if you have other questions


  • No. Turning Point is open to anyone who is coping with a chronic or serious illness, as well as their family and friends.
  • Turning Point is entirely funded by philanthropy. Generous donors make it possible to offer our programs and services at no cost and we're committed to this. Dealing with an illness is difficult and financially burdensome enough.

    That's why donors are a vital part of our mission. Please consider making a contribution. All gifts are fully tax-deductible and help maintain the high quality of our programs. If you would like to contribute, please contact Jeanne Hansey at 913-945-8995.

  • We request that you pre-register by calling 913-574-0900. We require registration 48 hours in advance.

    It is also beneficial to chat with our specialists about your needs so they can suggest which programs might be best for you.

  • No. Many participants are sensitive to odors due to treatments or medications. We ask that you not wear perfume, cologne or lotions with fragrance. We also ask that if you do smoke, please refrain just before you come to class.
  • No. Turning Point is located on the ground-floor level of a wheelchair-accessible office building. There are no stairs or other obstacles.
  • You can participate as much or as little as you like. Many participants tell us they have benefited simply sitting in on a class or by listening to others.
  • Absolutely. We maintain strict confidentiality at all times, in all areas and with all groups and participants. Our motto is "What happens at Turning Point stays at Turning Point." Who attends which group is also kept confidential.

    We encourage you to discuss the concepts, skills, feelings or issues that you discuss or learn – but never share information that might identify a fellow participant with others unless you have specific permission from that person.

  • Yes. Annie Seal is our children's program director. She is a certified life specialist with expertise developing age-appropriate programs, classes and activities. She also consults with parents regarding any concerns. If you would like to talk to Annie, she can be reached at 913-574-0913 or
  • Yes. Many of our classes have waiting lists. If you can't attend, please let us know so we can give your spot to another person. We do reserve the option to cancel a class due to low enrollment.

    If you are feeling ill, we request you stay home. Many of our participants have compromised health and it could be terribly detrimental for them to contract even a cold or flu. We encourage you to stay home, take care of yourself, get well and come back to us when you're feeling better.

  • We cancel activities according to the policy of the Shawnee Mission School District. When Shawnee Mission schools are closed due to inclement weather, we are too. You are always welcome to call us at 913-574-0900 to verify.
  • We are closed on New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. We do not hold classes between Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
  • Yes. We do not sell or share our mailing list with other parties. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, call us at 913-574-0900.

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