Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Our dedicated volunteers share their time, talent and skills every day. As with our donors, we could not do what we do without their commitment.

You can choose from several different opportunities. And if you think of a position that needs filling or a job that needs to be done – suggest it to us!

Turning Point's Hope Garden
Volunteers can help create and maintain our outdoor Hope Garden.

Volunteer opportunities

  • Greet visitors, answer the phone, enroll participants, make reminder calls and assist with class preparation. The general commitment is three hours per week between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
  • Assist with periodic fundraising opportunities, including mailings, public speaking or events.

  • Help create and maintain our outdoor Hope Garden. Plant, nurture, weed and water according to seasonal requirements.
  • Raise awareness and communicate the mission of Turning Point at area health fairs and community events. Help set up displays and engage visitors. Time commitment varies, generally two to four hours.
  • If you have special training or skills, propose or develop a class, service or program that you would be willing to teach. Classes and programs relate back to creating and strengthening resiliency skills.
  • Adult programs: Make reminder calls, greet participants, take attendance, program set up/take down and various duties at program director's request. Time commitment changes with specific need.

    Children's programs: Assist with programs such as classes, camps or special requests. Time commitment varies. All children's program volunteers require a background check.

  • Help with internal and external special events, including Holiday Boutique, Bridge of Hope, Evening Among Friends or Spa Night. Help mail invitations, organize party bags, decorate, check in guests and more. Time commitment varies.

Apply to volunteer

Download our volunteer application, print, complete and mail it to:

Turning Point
8900 State Line Road, Suite 240
Leawood, KS 66206

For more information about Turning Point, please call 913-574-0900.

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