Modified Hours for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In recognition of the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, some of The University of Kansas Health System’s offices will have modified hours on Monday, January 20.

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Patient Resources for Pancreas Transplant

Your pancreas transplant team is ready to answer any questions you may have about your condition, transplant or ongoing care. In addition to patient forms and information, we’ve also provided a list of pancreas-related resources to help you learn more.

Support group

We provide ongoing support and education to meet the needs of our kidney, pancreas and heart transplant patients.

Meetings: First Thursday of the month, 6:30 p.m.
Location: The Center for Transplantation, education room, The University of Kansas Hospital, first floor

Happy diverse group of people

Turning Point

Turning Point offers free classes, programs and tools designed to empower and educate people affected by chronic or serious illness.

Learn more about our services

We offer a variety of appointment types. Learn more or call 913-588-1227 to schedule now.

Pancreas resources

Transplant resources

Financial resources

Related links